
I have known Angelene since she was a child, as a Spiritual Teacher myself, I could see that she clearly understood her true nature as Spirit and even told her this many times, to which she would just look at me deeply. As a child she would be the Higher Self more than the lower/egoic self. She also channeled Ascended Masters, loved helping people realize their true nature as one with the Divine Presence, I am not surprised she is a Reiki Teacher and Yoga Teacher. Thank you for your service to humanity. I appreciate your work. Spiritual Teacher, R P New Zealand
The Reiki healing and Crystal healing sessions with Angelene are peaceful, relaxing stress reducing and very down to earth. As the healing began I started to feel gentle warming heat, coming from her hands, I started to relax deeply and then drifted off into a deep relaxing sleep. When I woke up, and hour later, we sat down again, for a relaxing chat, I talked about things that felt so good to get off my chest, things I wasn’t even aware of , as well as positive aspects of the healing and life. She also did a three card reading for me, to assist me on my journey with my current concerns. I felt lighter and free to be myself when I walked out that day, Since then I have been back a few times more, and felt at home, calm and relaxed each time. I am more at peace with what's happening in life. I would like to thank Angelene I feel she does a great job. Thank you, Sarita C Auckland
Angie (I call her Angel) has helped me through some challenging times, she’s accurate and detailed and can see my past present and future. Her experience at working with Crystals is Hauge, and has advice me on how to use Crystals to genuinely get the best results. Through the crystal healing sessions I have received with Angelene, I have learnt that crystals are not just something that we can buy to place around the home to look good, or match our clothing, they are also here on this planet to help or assist us with healing, or assist us find and live our life purpose. I too Love Crystals, and have experienced great healing energy they have for humans. She has helped me raise my own self awareness and my perspective little by little I feel more at peace. Diana H Christchurch
Angelene has always been thoughtful and detailed with her readings, I find when I call monthly I receive perfect guidance that helps me a lot in all life situations, things I am not confident about or are just hard and difficult to face on my own. She is very talented, compassionate and kind. I enjoy talking to her because she offers clarity when I feel confused, guidance when I feel at a crossroads, or lost and confused, and direction when I am uncertain of any situation. I feel she reads for me accurately and with respect and dignity. I also feel more confident and empowered to just be myself and live authentically. Thank you so so much. Jyoti K Auckland
Just had a reading with Angelene, she gets it right all the time with me, and guides me gently to THIS moment. By the end of the call I feel much better, know what steps to take next and am confident with who I am. I suffer from mild anxiety, and have been seeing my GP etc., along with Angelene’s support, her deep connection to Source and healing sessions, I feel at peace. I love how I am so un- bothered by the drama that goes on in life as much as what I was before finding Divine Connections, and that I am on the right path. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I am sure she gets told this a lot. She's is like a real Angel, delivering messages from Divine! Vanessa Taupo
​Just when I thought I had lost all hope, I called Angie and she assisted through a very hard time in my Love life. She was patient and understanding, calming and connected instantly. The reading was clear and accurate I was blown away with the details. Guess that's why I keep calling her, she has a real natural gift. thank you so so much I feel blessed to have found you!” Laura D Auckland
I would like to say a huuuuge thank you for the all the Love readings I have and am still getting from Angie at Divine connections. She has been incredible through my time of need this year. I just went though a divorce and found Divine Connections on the internet offering Love Readings! She has been an immense help. I found I remained focused, aware and calm throughout this divorce. I am prone to anxiety however the remote Reiki healing energy was calming so I could think clearly. We will speak again soon for sure ​Thanks heaps Anita Tauranga
I would like to thank Angie for providing me with accurate details in my Psychic Readings about my partner. We were going through a period of not speaking and he was distancing himself so I thought he was cheating, although I didn’t want to believe it. She could clearly see he wasn’t. And this is true he isn’t cheating. She also could see and hear conversations he had in the past with a women I had known he had cheated on me with , and she confirmed he is not at the moment. I felt relieved, what a burden lifted off me. She has a very caring non judgement approach and I can confirm her accuracy. Very thought Provoking and powerful reader compared to others, she speaks from her heart. Thank you for your kind heartedness in your Readings, I will be back again.” Joanna G Wellington
When I called for my Psychic Reading I received amazing accurate answers asked about my course, I thought I was failing and was scared and vulnerable. My tutors were unsupportive I was confused and lost, now what? Just having someone to listen and offer guidance and healing direct from spirit is amazing and uplifting. I felt loved and cared for. The energy is so real , when she told me finally I would pass, but then in 2-3months I would move onto a career path that was more in my souls calling, to do with nursing, or teaching. I didn't think much about it, until 3 months later, I decided to do a course as a caregiver, then later realized that's what the Psychic told me! I decided to call them back and confirm everything. I am at peace doing this course, and love my job. Thank you so much for giving me hope and inspiration I needed! Keat Auckland
​I called Divine Connection Psychic Readings NZ 0900 number and got an awesome Psychic Reading, I wasn’t sure what to do about my situation with my partner, was he still cheating on me? I was ashamed to tell my family/friends, usually they would tell him off. So I asked will he change, what do I do? Will I ever find a man that cares about me! She helped me relax and brought to my attention a past girlfriend of his who had hurt him by also cheating on him years before. So the Psychic said that I should I ask him about that. The psychic said he loved her as teenage. She said he will not change for a few years yet, until he confronts this past pain from his ex. Well I asked him about an ‘ex girl friend’ And to my surprise, he said yes, when he was 18 she broke his heart, she slept with his best friend, and Mike was shocked I knew. In the end we had to have a break, the psychic was right again, he cheated on me again, with a workmate, even though he said he wouldn't. She saved me a lot of time and energy, now I had insight and clarity. I felt so much better and at peace. Thank you so much Angie, I will never forget your kind words of wisdom from spirit : underneath it all I am already infinitely whole and complete, this helped me connect again. Roshini K Tauranga
I have been getting readings from Angie for a long time now, and every time she has helped me, she gave me clarity and peace of mind and had new found awareness into my relationship with an x partner I have been wanting to get back with. Although I love him dearly and their is potential for us, Angie gave me great insight into both of us, and we are still working things through. Her healing over the phone is very calming, her psychic ability is real and authentic and I have learnt so much. So thank you, I really appreciate your services. Speak soon.” Rebecca l Auckland
I called and spoke to Angie, she was very clear from the start, and said the man I was with was not going to change just yet because or his job?? She was right, I had been with him for years. She guided me through to the future, where he would have a change of job and from there would be easier to be with. I was about to leave him a month later, he found a job that changed him from being depressed and hard to talk to, to being kind, and affectionate again! not sure what happened, or what I was thinking, because I don’t want to leave him, I love him dearly. Thank you so much spirit and divine connections for valuable Psychic Readings NZ service. I will contact you and let you know how it goes! L J Wellington
Thanks to the team at Divine Connections psychic readings for delivering the messages from Spirit with such accuracy and compassion, I finally feel closure, I felt nothing I did was mounting to anything. My sister recently passed away from cancer, and as soon as we connected, the reader said ” I have your sister here from Spirit, she says the washing is still on the line’ I broke down in tears, and crazy laughter, I felt my sister was here, she said it in the same way my sister would say. I always leave the washing on the line overnight! the reader couldn’t have know that! The messages from my sister in heaven, taught me its not so much about doing the ‘work on myself’ its about being you, and staying true. I now know my sister is happy where she is in Spirit, and loves me unconditionally, watching over me thanks to the messages that were delivered. Angelene is a kind person, and I found her to be easy to talk to, genuinely psychic, clairvoyant and a medium in my reading. Unbelievable! … I’m beginning to think she is an Angel? 🙂 Katie Dunedin
​”I have been a client of Divine connection for a year and a half now, Angie is super amazing and very honest. Since becoming her client, I have not seen any other psychic reader because I am more than satisfied with the service and accuracy of the readings delivered by Angie. Angie can clearly answer every question that i was confused about and she was right about telling me that my partner having another affair. She advice and directed me to the right pathway. I would say this is the best reader so far and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.” C.L Auckland
Angelene is a very kind and compassionate natural reader, who is deeply connected and grounded. She works ethically, honestly and with integrity. I have known her for a many years now as a healer and for Angel and Crystal therapy, she meets you where your at, she showed me she can understand me well, because she can clearly see, hear and know my situation or issue in detail without needing much information to begin. She connects to my guides and Spirit and tell me the guidance they have for me, and its right for me at that time. They are very loving and supportive. She offers right guidance direction and is very healing from the Spirit as a medium and offers the clear meaningful direction forward from my situation so I feel listened to. She is a teacher I can trust because understands the oneness of life from direct experience. She is able to read energy/aura the information is amazing truth. She can also see the future accurately, and give guidance that is practical, helpful and uplifting when she does Tarot readings. I asked her about my son, and she was able to see his childhood and send healing. I highly recommend Angelene for any healing, psychic clairvoyant medium Tarot readings. J B – Auckland
I am very grateful for the accurate reading from Angelene, she hit the nail on the head about my life situation with all the details, am still going through a divorce and her support has been all I need to help me get through this time. My wife is being really hard on me, Angelene gave me guidance by meeting me where I was at, and brought me out of dark place and into light. Thanks heaps, will connect again soon! Jamie L Dunedin
I feel Gifted Psychic Angelene is a rare find for me. I have not meet an authentic reader/healer just yet that works for me and understands the Truth from first hand direct experience with the Divine. Her psychic clairvoyant readings are on point and accurate, her guidance is insightful and clear. Her passion and experience of working with Crystals in particular, has helped me a lot on my path, because I have used crystals for years and do Yoga as much as I can, however never really connected with them as profoundly since meeting Angelene, she helped me understand how the work, and how to use them as tools for mindfulness and self healing. She was able to see my past, present and future clearly, and guide to happiness, as opposed to the same old patterns I had living through my whole life. I guess I was ready to change as well, yet wasn’t really sure. In the end I always walk away feeling grounded, good about being myself, and self empowered, I feel I can stand in my own power. My life experience has changed positively. Angelene is very talented and Gifted in many areas. I only wish her all the best and know she will continue to help people with her beautiful Gift, as she helps me. God bless you Sweet Angel, Thank you again Rosey H Auckland
I just had an Amazing Psychic Reading with Divine connection, I was truly Inspired! Just as I was giving up on my career pathway in creative arts, she told me a Job was coming up in 2 weeks time. I felt lighter and less worried, and in a peaceful place, a heaviness was lifted off me. She said I may start working for a company in artwork my dream job. And sure enough I got that Job! Thank you so much for your support and clairvoyance, healing and guidance. Its nice to know their are people who care and listen also private and confidential” J Samual Christchurch ​​
In my personal experience, I used to be skeptical of psychics and healers, as they tend to boast seeing into your future and being the ‘real deal’ or the most ‘such and such’…. which now I am not skeptical any more…. And they say that people live up to their name….OMG, completely authentic and so HUMBLE! I found, in my experience that Angelene is both accurate and enlightening and even more importantly a compassionately Mindful healing psychic. Her capacity to connect to the Spirit world is deep and meaningful with energy that could fill a whole room of love, peace and joy! This is a genuine psychic. So I kept calling and through her readings my mind began to open, I was able to clear the brain fog, and illusions of my mind that kept me gloom and doom for years. Once the surface confusion and fear was cleared, I felt a veil lifted from my mind, this illusion in my mind that I was just a small person, with no power disappeared. Angelene (An Angel!) awakened me to a new perspective on my relationships, career, money, and True Self changing my whole life. I felt goosebumps and tears of joy for all the pain and suffering past hurts that felt like a heaviness, holding me back in my life seemed so minimal. With an open mind and an open heart she guided me to my truth and inner power, therefore to me she is genuine, authentic and empowering. I was going through a very dark time in my life, last year , 2020 I lost my husband to cancer, I lost my job, and started to close down on family and friends. Since Divine Connection psychic readings, I am coming out of my shell, and am now running my own successful business in Law, with regular clients and I am so grateful for this empowering woman who honestly guides and gives me direction and meaning and teaches me about living authentically me! . Thank you, so for authentic, empowering and enlightening readings like no other, call this gifted psychic medium today, What a Gift! I look forward to connecting with you again. – Justine New Zealand
Just had a wonderful reading with Angie, she was accurate and able to offer clarity and guidance for me on my path. Thank you for you assistance at this time. J N Gisborne NZ
Wow my mind has been absolutely blown by the reading I had today with Angie! She was uncannily insightful with the information she gave me about my current relationship issue. The level of detail she provided was not only accurate but astonishing in the level of detail*provide. I highly recommend Angie, she’s the real deal and I certainly will be back for further readings with her. She is truly gifted! Thank you so much! Kindest Regards :). DM Wellington
Thank you for your amazing reading, it was detailed, direct and to point perhaps because that is what I needed today, I have a lot more clarity and peace of mind about my situation. The Great Spirit never fails. I felt lighter, better and can see things clearer. Thank you, God Bless. Highly recommend Divine Connection Psychic Clairvoyant Mediums! B Butler Christchurch NZ
Absolutely amazing readings, everything was spot on and I felt clarity and peace of mind during the reading also, Angie has a very kind uplifting energy she brings into the readings, and accurate. I am very grateful thank you kindly Peter Dunedin NZ
I had a wonderful reading with Divine Connection and wanted to say thank you so much for the clarification and giving me hope and a great insight of what I was going through some days ago your reading was accurate and spot on and to top it off we are now back together again and we are both so happy thank you so much for all you do highly recommended A++++. L M Wellington NZ
I would like to thank Angelene for the amazing reading, she gave me. I found it very insightful, a lot of clarity into my situation came through and beautiful spiritual guidance. I felt calm and at peace during and after. She was able to help me understand my situation from another perspective, she is very compassionate and kind. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Janice Palmerston North New Zealand.
My Personal Experience, Angelene keeps it simple and can effortlessly bring an authentic mindful approach in her readings, enough to challenge any skeptic beliefs in my mind. She is genuinely spiritually connected, and holistic, by the manner she embraces science, psychology and spirituality. Angelene’s readings stand out as holistic, genuinely enlightening, full of meaning and grace . At first I did not know what to expect? I called because my current, psychic reader gave me readings from there own personal opinions of life, or seemed like the future, was only there own ‘idea’ based on my past which limited me a lot. I wanted something real, more than just accurate, something life changing, something different! I was ready to make some real changes, at a deeper authentic level! Then I found Divine Connections. So I called Divine Connection. Then she showered me with reliable accurate answers about my past and present, then what lies ahead, in a genuine mindful, authentic kind hearted caring peaceful manner. She saw instantly without any tools (Tarot, runes, pal reading, astrology charts etc) my life situation. I had never felt so heard! And she saw past life connections, and how they relate to the now. I felt she really wanted to help me in what seemed like an endless ‘Divinely connected way’. Her Spiritual awareness and guidance is evident in all readings I get, and I do feel distant or remotely healing, I feel the energy of the Divine Spirit radiate through her and I instantly feel at peace, and trust this. For days and even months after, I start to see shifts happening in my life and see the deeper meaning behind them, the messages, and life lessons, and how they relate to my life purpose. They say you know your talking to a connected reader and healer when you feel a shift in your energy in their presence. I look forward to my next reading! A M Psychologist New Zealand

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